How to register marriage
Marriages are beautiful and all about love, laughter, and happily ever after. Marriage is seen as a sacred institution in our Indian culture. Marriage is a knot of two souls but it is essential to make the marriage legal. Couples often debate whether to get their marriage registered in court or not and also on how to register marriage. The Supreme Court has made it mandatory in 2006 to register all marriages. It is very important to be able to prove your relationship with your spouse if needed.
Nowadays, with the evolving laws, registering your marriage is the second crucial step to take after you take the wedding vows. Though we will definitely come to the point as to how to register for marriage certificate, first we will explain why it is so much important in the eyes of the law.
Benefits of registering a marriage in India?
In our country, rules are prone to change. It undoubtedly provides security to both the partners, but it also helps couples in traveling abroad on a spouse visa and when you are applying for a residency in a different country, a marriage certificate is obligatory.

A marriage certificate is also required by the bank or lending authority when the partners want to purchase a joint property or apply for a home loan. If you are willing to take a life insurance policy after your marriage, then registration of marriage becomes essential to make your partner legal nominee.
If any of you are working abroad and want to take your partner after marriage, then a marriage certificate will help in getting a work permit from that country. In the absence of this certificate, it is impossible to take your partner along with you.
As we all know India is a country of diverse cultures, so currently there are two legislation’s framed to solve the challenges of Marriage Registration Laws:
1. The Hindu Marriage Act,1955
This act deals with the marriage registration when both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs or Jains, or where they have been converted into any of these religions. It deals with marriages that have already been solemnized.
2. The Special Marriage Act, 1954
This act deals with the marriage registration when either husband and wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, or Jains.
Where to register marriage certificate?
The most important and first point is who to approach when you think about how to register for a wedding. For registration, you need to first approach the office of the Sub Divisional Magistrate under whose jurisdiction your marriage took place or where either of the partners stayed for at least 6 months before the marriage.
How to register Hindu marriage?
How to register a marriage
Not many people are aware of how to register marriage or where to register marriage certificate. We will give an in-depth knowledge not only on this but also on various things like how to register for court marriage or how to register marriage in court or how to apply marriage registration online.
How to do marriage registration/ How to register marriage in court?
A registration form has to be filled and the following documents have to be submitted along with the form:
• Residence proof (Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Ration Card, PAN Card, Driving License or Electricity Bills, etc.)
• Two passport sized photographs of both bride and groom and one photograph of marriage
• Marriage invitation card, if available
• An affidavit stating the place and date of marriage, the marital status at the time of marriage, and the date of birth of both the parties with their nationalities. Under the Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act, the age of males should be 21 years and women should be of 18 years.
• If the marriage was solemnized at a religious place, then a signed certificate from the priest who solemnized the marriage is required
• A divorce copy order in case of a divorcee, and death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower
• A certificate of conversion is required from the priest who solemnized the marriage if one of the parties belong to other religion other than Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikh religions (in case of the Hindu Marriage Act)
• Affirmation that the two parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship as per the Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act
How to register for court marriage?
For some couples, we are also guiding on how to get registered marriage in case of court marriage. Basically, you will get to know the documents required to how to get register marriage certificate:
- Application form in the prescribed format
- Age Proof or anyone from Voter I- Card, Driving License and Matriculation Certificate
- Residence Proof through submitting any from Voter I- Card, Driving License, Matriculation Certificate, or Passport
- Three witness’s PAN Cards and the Residential Proofs
- 7 Passport size photographs of both the bride & the groom
- An Affidavit attested by Magistrate/S.D.M. or Notary Public with Register Entry No.
- A divorce copy order granted by the Court in case one of the bride or groom or both are a divorcee
- A death certificate, in case of the death of the last spouse of either of the party
- No Impediment Certificate / NOC from concerned Embassy and Valid VISA required if one of the partners is a foreigner
Where to submit marriage registration form?
Hindu Marriage Act
The first condition is that both parties must give free consent that they have not been forced to take the decision. The application form then should be signed by both the bride and groom by paying a fee of Rs. 500-1000 which could vary from state to state. A Gazetted Officer attests all the documents after that.
After the verification of all the documents submitted by the couple, a specific date is fixed for the registration which is around 15 days later under the Hindu Marriage Act, and 60 days later in case of the Special Marriage Act. On the day of the appointment, the couple has to be physically present before the Sub-Divisional Magistrate along with the Gazetted Officer, three witnesses, and their documents.
After all the above process, once the SDM is convinced, the certificate is usually granted on the same day.
Special Marriage Act
In this case, before submitting the above documents, both the bride and groom have to give a 30-day notice to the sub-registrar in whose jurisdiction at least one partner has resided.
After submission of documents, both the parties need to be present for issuance of public notice inviting objections. One copy of the notice is pasted office’s notice board and another copy is sent via registered post to both the parties to the address given by them.
Registration will be done 30 days after the notice date, after going through the objection received during the period by the SDM. Three witnesses with both the parties need to be present on the registration date.
How to apply online for marriage registration?
As everything is digital these days, so you must know how to register marriage certificate online. This facility is currently being given to the residents of Delhi and the same is not available in most of the big metropolitan cities like Mumbai or Bengaluru. You can refer to the link for registering online-
After you fill the relevant details and submit the form, you will be given a temporary number. After that, you need to take a print out of the application form, acknowledgement slip and other documents required to the Sub-Registrar’s office along with three witnesses on the registered date.
How to register marriage in Tatkal?
This service was introduced in the year 2014. There will be some couples who would like to know how to get marriage registration certificate in Tatkal. For your guidance, we have mentioned the way and fee. You can get a marriage certificate issued within a single day authorization only in Delhi. You can get the marriage registered and get a certificate within 24 hours by paying a fee of INR 10,000.
How to register Muslim marriage?
How to apply for marriage registration
The registration of Muslim marriage in India is done under the Muslim Marriage Act guided by the Muslim Personal Law Application Act, 1937. Different states have different guidelines on how to register after marriage. In some states like Goa, Goa Civil Code is applicable for all irrespective of the religions and these laws are not applicable. These laws are also not applicable to the Muslims married under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Where can marriage be registered?
If you and your partner are wondering where we can register marriage, then you have come to the right place for the information.
The Kazi who performs the marriage can issue a “Nikahnama” meaning a marriage certificate. For legal reasons, like opening a bank account or for getting as passport issued, Muslim marriages should be registered with the Registrar. However, for immigration purposes or spouse visa, the Muslim marriage certificate is issued by the Registrar of Marriages of the District, where the wedding was solemnized or where the parties reside. The foreign authorities require a proper certificate.
Documents required on how to apply for register marriage
- Registration application form signed by both husband and wife
- Date of birth of both the parties (Matriculation/Birth certificate/ Passport)
- Address Proof of either of the partner (Voter I- Card/Passport/Aadhaar Card)
- Three passport sized photographs of both bride and groom and two photographs of marriage
- Marriage Invitation Card
- An affidavit by both stating the place and date of marriage, the marital status at the time of marriage, and the date of birth with their nationalities
- Three witness’s ID Proof (2 passport size photograph each)
- Nikahnama / certificate issued by religious place
Procedure for how to get your marriage registered
Muslim Marriage registration in India differs from state to state. Normally, it is registered under the Special Marriage Act 1954.
The documents mentioned above should be submitted to the marriage registrar office. Both husband and wife need to visit the registrar’s office with 3 witnesses. A 30-day notice will be issued. If there is no objection from both sides after 30 days, then the couple can go for registration.
After 30 days of the notice date, registration can be done. Husband, wife and witnesses need to visit the office of magistrate. Once the procedure is completed, a certificate will be issued.
The Indian government recognizes all the marriages that have been conducted under religious ceremonies and rituals. We hope our information on how to register marriage or how to register marriage online will help you in accomplishing the legal procedures easily.
We wish you a happy married life!