Hair is a very important and noticeable part of our body. Specially women’s hairs are very noticeable and also the important part of body appearance and also the back spot of the entire beauty.
Now a day’s bridals are taking care of their hairs through homemade hair care tips, tips from parlors, etc. They are very curious and concern for their hairs because with the best quality of hair they look beautiful and attractive to their marriages.
Some natural hair care tips
1. Daily wash your hairs –
Wash your hair on a regular basis because the hair is free from dirt.
If you have dry hairs wash your hairs twice in a week but if you have oily hairs you have to wash it alternate days.

2. Dry your hairs without using blow dryer-
After washing your hairs, you can dry it naturally if you using blow dyer the heat produced by it, they can damage your hair scalp. Never comb or rub your wet hair with a towel.
3. Healthy diet-
Best hair care tips to make your hair healthy is proper diet means with proteins, vitamin, minerals and every healthy thing you have to eat like egg, fish, nuts, green vegetables.
4. Drinking lots of water-
You have to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. It ensures good hair health.
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5. Oiling your hair-
Oiling and massaging improve the blood circulation in hair this is best hair care tips It nourishes your hair and hair became healthy.
Homemade hair care tips:
We are expending too much on shampoos and conditioner with heavy chemicals but I think instead of that some natural hair care tips also works:
- Cleanliness of the hair
This is important to keep hair neat and clean. The important reason for hair fall is dandruff they destroy the hair.
- Avoiding Hot water showers
Hot water makes your hair dry and easy to brittle.
- Cut your hairs on a regular basis
Trim your hairs at least once in a month so that the dry hair and split are ends.
- Dry hair tips
For dry hair, natural treatment is an egg to conditioning your hair. Take 1 egg and make a mixture and apply on hair and scalp too and leave it for 20 to 25 mis and take a shower with cold water. Try this hair beauty tips it can remove dryness.
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- Use homemade conditioner
Take 1 egg and mix with curd then apply on your hairs. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it.
- Lemon juice treatment
Apply 1 spoon juice on hairs and scalp leave it for half an hour and wash it with cold water it can help in removing dandruff.
- Moisturizing your hairs
Moisturize your hair with oil treatment or by alcohol. Massage your hairs by alcohol for 20 minutes and then wash this process at least once a week.
- Use onion juice
By applying onion juice in your hairs seriously it benefits hair growth and regrowth also. It takes away from an infection like anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Take 1 onion and grind it and take the juice of that and apply it on your hairs and then wash makes your hair healthy.
- Hair loss treatment
Apply aloe vera gel to your hair and scalp this can remove hair loss and open the head pours which are blocked by excess oil.
- Apply green tea to the hairs
Application of green tea at least once a week because it contains antioxidants which is good for hair health.
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- Usage to amla
Amla provides vitamin c to the hairs and boosts cell regeneration. It contains 85% of moisture, removes germs, also an antioxidant preventing from hair fall. It also helps in removing dandruff also.
Take 3-4 amla crushed it well apply the pulp with the juice all over the head and scalp.
- Apply rice water as a shampoo
Rice water used as a natural shampoo and rinse for centuries prevents hair loss and shiny hairs also.
Seasonal hair care tips:
By changing seasons, we should also focus on hair care tips or beauty hair care tips following are tips for different seasons:
Winter season hair care tips:
- Wear a hat to care it from moisture, snow, mind. The cap material should be silk and satin because wool or cotton fabrics may break your hair.
- Avoid very hot water- Do not use very hot water in hairs they can damage your hair and problem of hair fall rise.
- Oil treatment-during winter season applies hair oils in alternative protects your hair from dryness and hair fall.
- Do not wash your hairs daily in winter season because in winter season we have to use more oils for being moisturized the scalp.
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